A family that was staying in Ritz-Carlton, Bali, was carrying specialised eggs and milk for their son who suffered from food allergy. Unfortunately, upon reaching the...
In 1969, Greg Force lived in Guam, where his father, Charles Force, worked as the director of a NASA tracking station that helped connect the capsule...
Satya Nadella shares a habit with Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates. Both leaders are voracious readers who apply what they learn to propel their organizations into the...
In 2012, Snapchat, when was little more than a year old, was struggling to shake a reputation that it was only popular for sending inappropriate photos....
When a troll called comedian Sarah Silverman the C-word on Twitter, she responded with level-headed kindness, finding out he was in a lot of pain and...
When Emma Yang was 7 or 8 years old, her grandmother became increasingly forgetful. Over the next few years, those memory problems, caused by early Alzheimer’s disease,...
One of the rare women leading a public company is Pam Marrone, and her startup, Marrone Bio Innovations, develops natural alternatives to dangerous pesticides. She is...
Teatulia, an organic tea company with its CEO and cofounder Linda Appel Lipsius isn’t just banking on changing consumer preferences to sell their product, she’s confident...
Storytelling is an important part of The Ritz-Carlton culture. The employees of The Ritz-Carlton—known as The Ladies and Gentlemen—write up special moments and share them with...
Bethany Hamilton went out to surf at Tunnels Beach in Ha’ena, Hawaii with her best friend, Alana Blanchard, and Blanchard’s father and brother. While lying on...