Stories on Social Media

These days, we post almost any and everything on social media. When we attend a workshop, eat or work on a speech, we post our activities on social media. During the times of Circuit Breaker and now, the new normal, we post our Zoom call screenshots!

The story we tell ourselves is the need to shape our narrative through the consistent posting of our activities, thoughts and ideas. These posts are an evidence that we lead our lives with intention and purpose. Another way to describe this consistency in posting our daily highlights is personal branding.

Let us stop for a minute and think of all the personal brands we love, admire and have the most influence on us. None of these brands earned our respect by posting “I am doing this …” or “I am doing that …” type of posts on social media. These brands post only when they’ve made something that requires immense effort and those kind of posts have sustained our attention and our trust. Simply put, these brands add some kind of value to its followers.

People love personal brands that are built on creativity, such as, “I made this” or “I created that …” and NOT I am doing this story with no specific outcomes.

To build and shape your personal brand, make or do something that would have people say “now, what you have made or what you have done, is effort filled.”

About the featured image complementing today’s post – the image was taken on 1 January 2020, after I had finished running 20 km to celebrate the start of 2020. I granted myself the permission to share this because it took effort on my part.

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