On a special request from readers of our blog Storytelling for Interviews we have created this infographic which captures 4 steps to answering interview questions. Storytelling for job interviews can be achieved in a very practical, logical and methodical way.
This blog is part 2 of the Storytelling for Interviews blog series. We recommend that you read Storytelling for Interviews Part 1 of 2 before reading this blog.
So far, we have covered the questions that you should prepare for your interview, the types of questions and which broader categories they belong to. In this blog, we will cover HOW TO ANSWER…
Recently, I had the opportunity to deliver a session on Organisational Storytelling to post graduate students of one of Singapore’s most reputed universities. Over these two days of engagement, the students and I worked on lots of scenarios, like communicating your idea to investors, presenting with stories, making a case using stories, and so on. At one stage over the two…