Stories that work on social media almost always fail in a corporate boardroom. And that has created a problem, we tend to believe that what we see on social media is what storytelling is but it is not.
Let’s not forget that the success metrics for social media storytelling is reach, likes, share and comments. Success metrics for corporate storytelling is – …
When you’re listening to a speaker tell a story, if the speaker is a good storyteller, it will connect with you and you will be inspired. The connection happens because through the speaker’s story, resonance is created and you feel seen, heard and valued. Even if the story is about the speaker or someone else, you are able to find yourself in …
In a corporate setting we are obsessed with many C’s of communication : Clear, Credible, Concise. But we often ignore the most important C, which is connection. Connection is the key to action.
Communication→ Connection → Action
Having worked in and with corporates for over long time now, I have learnt that most corporate leaders are able to build connection…
Just before dinner last night, my daughter and I were on the phone to my mother. At one stage during the call we had a big laugh. Later, during dinner my husband asked, “ Why were you guys laughing?”
I asked him, “Do you want the facts or the story? His response, which I had already anticipated was, “Just give me the …
“A leader supports her people during an organisational change” says a leader I am working with on building an organisational change narrative.
When I hear this, I say to the leader, ” The fact that you make this assertion with confidence in your voice, tells me that there are sediments of experiences layered in your memory forming this assertion.”
We are loyal…
It was meant to be normal hectic day at work where I would go about managing my responsibilities in distribution and inventory management , working mostly on demands coming from seven retail locations and corporate orders for information technology products.
However, as I walked through the main entrance of the modern building with nice big glass doors, something looked different. Local police…
2020 started with a big bang with our vision, mission, business strategies, organisational goals and plans in place. In just a few days, the world came to a standstill.
Our growth story slipped through our hands like sand, and every leader now has to convey a new hope, resilience, and a forward story of success in the new normal.
You are one …
You decide, you are going to create a PDF document with all the information American’s would need to holiday in India. You will research, combine it with your experience and put it online for anyone who needs it.
So what will be in the document?
A logical mind would develop the document keeping the traveller’s experience in mind, VISA, flights, accommodation etc.…
I advocate using a word of emotion in organisational storytelling.
For example, notice the difference when I say
Statement 1 : ” I ran a project in India and the project failed.”
Statement 2: ” I ran a project in India, the project failed and I am devastated.”
Just because I have added the word devastated, you will now think that I…
We learn most from failures. So, we must share failure stories. But here is a mistake we make repeatedly whilst sharing failure stories of others, unknowingly, we blame the failure
You did not study, you did not get the results
You did not work hard, you did not get the job
You did not exercise, you…