Storytelling Presentations: Bullet points are such a bad idea
Sundar Pichai, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and most of the world’s most inspiring speakers, do not use bullet points. Why don’t they use bullet points? If you have bullet points, you are making the audience listen to you and read the bullet points. That creates cognitive load. *University of Washington biologist, John Medina, has done extensive research into persuasion and…

Storytelling: What do you do when you see a crying baby?
Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft tells the story about his first round of interviews at Microsoft about 25 years ago. An up-and-coming Microsoft manager named Richard Tait asked Nadella a question. The question had nothing to do with coding or solving an engineering problem. Instead, Tait asked: “Imagine you see a baby laying on the street, and the baby is crying. What…

Storytelling: Microsoft is Agile?
There are stories we tell ourselves and our worldview is formed based on those stories. Recently, I worked with a digital and innovation team of a leading multinational corporation and one of the story the team told themselves was, SAP the multinational software corporation that makes enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations stands for Suffer After Purchase. Obviously, this…

Why Storytelling Beats Facts Every time?
Facts may work in a courtroom but they rarely work in marketing. Still, amateur marketers believe that all they need to do is to recite a fact to make marketing successful. Stats like 65,000 likes, 2 million views, 500 comments for a social media campaign rarely equate to business conversions. If facts were enough, no one would sms whilst driving, everyone would…