The first and only Miss Vietnam who hails from an ethnic minority, the 26-year-old Finance major came from the Rade tribe whose customs include young women marrying young and starting a family early.
But H’Hen Nie did not want to limit herself to the tribe’s customs, choosing instead to go against tradition and insisting that her parents allow her to go…
We’re all familiar with the idea of New Year Resolutions. However, there is nothing and absolutely nothing that says that Resolutions have to be associated with New Year alone. New Year’s; is about the fresh start and what attracts us about New Year Resolution is the fresh start of the cycle.
There are many other start of the cycles which come with…
This article was originally published on Huffington Post on 29 January, 2017
Recently I have been scripting and directing corporate videos. For me when I storytell with videos as a medium, the task is – In 2.5 mins unlike a standard corporate commercial, tell a real human story which makes people say – “ I can connect with that and want that…