Remember the last time you went to buy something that is not an everyday purchase like milk, bread etc.
Lets say you go to buy a washing machine. Most likely, you will do some research online and then may be talk to a few friends and ask for recommendations. You now have an idea of what you want but you are still…
Some beliefs that we don’t question when it comes to sales persons’ skills
Belief 1 – You have the gift of gab and you can sell ice to Eskimos. You are a great sales person.
Belief 2 – Talk is cheap. Its your ability to listen that makes you a great sales person.
My belief – It is important to be able…
You are a salesperson and you are in a conversation with a potential client who is from the banking industry. Its time for you to tell a success story and this is what you say.
Your current situation reminds me of another banking client of ours in Singapore. A year ago we ran a successful customer service program with our client Mike…
What I don’t understand is, even though the only people who are excited with the use of word sales are the sellers and not the buyer ( this excludes the discount sales excitement for buyers ) why, when the buyer is the king, do we continue to use this word especially when it works against us? Yes, it works against. Sales teams…
On a special request from readers of our blog Storytelling for Interviews we have created this infographic which captures 4 steps to answering interview questions. Storytelling for job interviews can be achieved in a very practical, logical and methodical way.
If you found time spent with us valuable and would like to receive an infographic of our content presented to you on 14 July 2015
Please write to us in the comment section. We promise never to rent, sell or misuse your email.
All you need to do is copy and paste this content in the comment box below.
Yes, I would…
This blog is written as a response to a comment we received on our previous blog Sales Storytelling on your feet. We highly recommend that you read Sales Storytelling on your feet to better understand the content shared in this blog.
A couple of few weeks ago we posted a blog titled Sales Storytelling on your Feet. Soon after posting…
Recently I have had the privilege to work with a global organisation for the last five months to institutionalise Storytelling in their company.
One of the things we did was regular submission of stories by their sales team that is globally placed to make storytelling a habit for all.
A couple of weeks ago one story was submitted which was not used…
We like to think that when we take medication, it has an unfailing ability to get to where it is required in the body to treat the illness. But do you know, the cells we are trying to treat themselves can block entry to the drug because they think it’s something foreign and potentially harmful. Basically, I don’t know you, I don’t…
This is part 2 of our Storytelling Techniques for Transforming Presentations Blog series.
In Part 1 of this blog series, we answered questions that generally run through our minds even before we start putting our presentations together. In this blog, we share some learnings which are centered around delivering the story. I have yet to come across any literature on Storytelling that…