Nujeen, Head of Department for a Pharmaceutical Company, was asked in a Gender Diversity panel discussion, “Do you see more mothers joining the workforce in your industry?”
As an answer, Nujeen can respond in the following ways:
1. Yes, I do
2. Yes, in fact seven of our department heads are women who are also mothers.
3. Yes, most definitely. Things have…
Storytelling with Pattern matching is a shortcut to a desired outcome.
There is a company with a staff strength of 10,500 employees.
The company introduces a CRM system change. Leadership team wants to convince each and every staff that the change is good for them. The change promises efficiency.
Expensive and arduous efforts to convince everyone begin. At the end of the…
If you tell a semiconductor factory supervisor that soon there will be robots working in the factory, the first question that cross his/her mind will be, “What will happen to my job?”
As an answer, what if you could shift into Storytelling gears and tell Katherine Johnson’s Story.
In the early decades of the 1900s, mathematical and technical calculations were made manually,…
Business Storytelling and where the focus should be
I give talks on Storytelling regularly and sometimes I am introduced as a Master Storyteller. I often grind my teeth when I hear that because if I am called a Master Storyteller, then I have actually failed as a Business Storyteller.
What am I going on about?
The idea here is that unlike in…
Practical Tip on how to Start a Story
In my Storytelling Trainings and Workshops I often ask the participants, “What are the two most common ways we start a story when we tell stories to children?”. The response I get is, Once upon a Time and Long Long time ago.
Yes, that is correct and those are the two types of time…
When Storytelling is done: How to handle questions that you don’t have the answer for ?
This blog is for you if you fear being asked a question to which you do not have an answer. Firstly, I want you to accept that you will always have questions to which you will not have an answer. But the purpose of this 400…
Some business stories I hear are worth telling and this is one of them. About a year ago I had the opportunity to work with a large technology company headquartered in San Jose, California.
The task here was for me to work with their sales team to draw real life business stories that could be used in the future for sales storytelling.…
This blog is for you if you as a subject matter expert are asked to give your views on a certain question, topic or an area.
As a subject matter expert we are well versed in our fields and that is precisely why we are asked for a view.
So, a natural tendency is to start sharing what we know and there…
This blog is for you if you, as leader, have these questions running through your mind
1.How can I motivate my team to Innovate?
2.Shall I focus on global business growth or connection with our employees?
Before I start I want to thank my client Uen Li Chia for inspiring this blog.
A couple of months ago I wrote a…
If you are a bit sick of reciting your CV when asked “Tell us about yourself” and you are ready to find a remarkable way of answering this question, this blog is for you.
A few months ago I wrote one of my most read blogs of 2015 Storytelling : And why say a hello like this?
The point I was trying…