Storytelling a way to build Idiosyncrasy Credits
“idiosyncrasy credits—the latitude to deviate from the group’s expectations. Idiosyncrasy credits accrue through respect, not rank: they’re based on contributions.” ― Adam M. Grant, Originals: How Nonconformists Move the World In this explanation of idiosyncrasy credits is a lesson in storytelling. I aim to answer two things in this short blog 1) Why to storytell is to be idiosyncratic?  Firstly, the moment…

Storytelling For Presentations
Presenting is marketing because what are presentations for? To promote or sell an idea, product or service? The primary goal of the presenter is to sell an idea to the audience, and the best, most effective way to do that is through telling stories. Here are 3 simple questions you can ask yourself when crafting compelling story led presentations. 1. What’s the…

How the 18 Min Rule of TED Talks influenced my Storytelling Workshops
Learning from a workshop is not a framework and methodology hoarding exercise. For all my Strategic Storytelling Workshops I suggest tailored content to the key client contact beforehand. I make these suggestions based on audience profiling that I do prior to the workshop. Almost always, my key contact asks me, “Can we cover more content?” For them, the rationale is, it takes…