There is no doubt that the corporate world understands that storytelling is a weapon of mass attraction. One of the storytelling lessons that the corporate world is becoming increasingly good at adopting is making the story relevant to its audience. They know that we can’t just build and amplify a message that promises organisational growth, we have to think hard about what…
A story that doesn’t resonate will never be true for your audience. Even if it is factual. We know the importance of resonance with storytelling.
However, the risks of resonance are under-explored. Every storyteller who attempts to bring resonance must take the responsibility to analyse the risks with resonance too.
When we want a story to resonate, we remind people of the…
Examples will get attention but Stories will get you affinity.
Samantha ( not her real name ) is a young researcher at a high-profile agency dealing with National threats.
I was curious about her role at the agency, so I asked her how she goes about doing research. She quickly responded that her sources are open sources like newspapers, articles, and magazines.…
This illustration captures the process of Finding and Assembling a Story to make a point.
I elaborate on this process in detail in my upcoming book Strategic Storytelling: Why Some Stories Drive Your Success at Work but Others Don’t.
If you are not new here you would know that my upcoming boom Strategic Storytelling published by The Hachette Book Group is launching …
“idiosyncrasy credits—the latitude to deviate from the group’s expectations. Idiosyncrasy credits accrue through respect, not rank: they’re based on contributions.”
― Originals: How Nonconformists Move the World
In this explanation of idiosyncrasy credits is a lesson in storytelling. I aim to answer two things in this short blog
1) Why to storytell is to be idiosyncratic?
Firstly, the moment…
Whether we are building a template, service, or product, the ability to scale it remains top of mind for the creator. Storytelling is no different. Most people say., ” I want to build this story and then tell it across all platforms and for a long time.
However, scaling stories is a fallacy.
One of the most important criteria of a…
Why do women feel a slump in their confidence whilst storytelling and what can they do about it?
In 2019, I walked into a boardroom meeting with three men waiting for me to take them through what I had planned to solve their team’s communication challenge.
As soon as I saw the dynamics in the room, I knew that I am going…
“What does it take to become good at storytelling?” asked a Storytelling masterclass participant from Morocco.
A standard answer to this question is – Practice the hell out and you will fall in flow.
But why does practice work? The practice works not because it allows seamless delivery alone. The practice works because when we are confident of the delivery, we have…
Samantha wanted to ask her colleague Matt something about the project they are working on. She walked up to him and said, “Can I just have 5 mins of your time?”
Mariam writes an email to her boss,
“Dear XYZ,
I am just checking when would you like me to have the next town hall.
“Just” has a high concentration…
” I made a short film last year that did very well,” said a podcast host who had just finished interviewing me.
Short film! I was intrigued and watched it straight after the interview. I admired the maker’s courage and effort.
However, I had several questions in my head too.
Why did he not promote himself as a filmmaker? Why only when…