“Anjali, our incident report is filled with information on small accidents that happen everyday. People only pay attention to big accidents .As a result, small accidents occur in high frequency. It’s this low consequence nature of small accidents that prohibit people from paying attention but these small accidents put together create high consequences.”
This is what a factory safety officer shared.…
In a meeting, a leader who is a leading a company that sells baby food says,
“we have a pressing agenda item, we have to educate our distribution on the right use of our products. Hence, we will be rolling out a training programme for our staff on how to do that.”
Now the statement made by the leader aims at immense…
“Anjali, I love the storytelling work we are doing here today. I will definitely use storytelling skills to inspire my team and engage my customers but I will never use it in front of my boss.”
Now, that is a statement I often hear. If you feel this way too, this blog is for you.
What kind of stories do bosses want …
You have received employee opinion survey results which reveal to you that people are not very happy in your team.
You are frustrated because as a leader you have been doing plenty to make sure people are happy.
You now have a number from the survey that gives you information on the levels of happiness in the team but measuring it doesn’t…
I am working with fairly senior people of an organisations and we are writing a change story.
Some questions I ask and the responses I get are given below
Why are you adopting automation?
We have a lot more work and it is not possible to do it manually.
Why are you making your factory smart?
That is the only way to…
To study narrative is to examine ourselves. We think in story, process our world through the lens of story, and use storytelling to communicate ideas. One prominent economist believes that stories are the heart of human behavior. He says to understand the power of narrative is to understand financial booms and busts — and to prevent crises from getting worse.
Robert Shiller…
We can prove it scientifically. In academic terms, an “emotionally competent stimulus” is any video or photo that elicits a strong emotional reaction. These images can trigger fear, sadness, joy, hope, shock, surprise, or disgust. The turtle video triggers several emotions at once.
Once we see or experience an emotionally charged stimulus, the amygdala—an almond-shaped structure in the brain’s temporal lobe—releases neurochemicals…
February 2001, I am sitting in an amphitheatre along with 10 other girls who are all going to become Singapore Airlines flight attendants post a 3 month training program. Its our day 1 in the Singapore Airlines Training Centre and we are just about to start our orientation.
I am expecting for someone to come on the stage and start a powerpoint…
A group of government officials have come up with an idea, to launch a website that informs traveller’s coming into Singapore what they can and can’t bring into the country. They are required to present this idea to senior officials for a project sponsorship.
Thier presentation begins with explaining the problem. The problem statement is projected on the slide
For people travelling…
“Our head of sales, Natalie is excellent.. and I wish everyone was like her.”
“Mariam is top of class in her grades, hope all students can become like her.”
“Sandy is a great writer, she always comes up with best articles.”
We have all heard such statements and perhaps rolled our eyes when listening to them too!
Often the teller of these …