Storytelling :Women in Boardrooms Part 4 of 5
This blog is part 4 of 5 of blog series Storytelling: Women in Boardrooms. In this blog I share strategies to overcome Manterruption. If you want to know what is Manterupption please read our previous blog. It is important to start with an understanding of why is a man interrupting? Men often perceive women to take things personally and overreact as…

Storytelling : Women In Boardrooms Part 3 of 5
YEARS ago, while producing the hit TV series “The Shield,” Glen Mazzara noticed that two young female writers were quiet during story meetings. He pulled them aside and encouraged them to speak up more. Watch what happens when we do, they replied. Almost every time they started to speak, they were interrupted or shot down before finishing their pitch. When one had…

Storytelling : Women in Boardrooms Part 1 of 5
Boardroom communication challenges for women, in a corporate setting is a less discussed topic. A lot has been written about ways women can find their voice on a stage. Prerequisites of an effective stage delivery are Credibility, that based on your track record and experience you are trusted to speak on the topic. Self confidence, that you yourself believe that you are …

Photos You are Failing Me
I wake up every morning to a very colourful tapestry of photos on social media. It includes photos of food people ate,  to friends they met, to workshops they ran, to speech they gave, to people they coached, to awards they won and many posts start with it is my privilege it is my honour I am delighted to which are all…

Story about Decent and Perfect !
How words shape us! Here is a dinner table conversation with my 12 years old daughter that left me thinking how we need to redefine words. I walked up to the dining table and gave my daughter a big hug. “So, what is it about me that you like mum?” She asked. My response, “many things but I love the fact that …

Gender Diversity leads to Innovation can be Ignored
Research proves Gender Diversity leads to Innovation. We have heard this statement a million times and it is now noise versus great news. But, despite having heard this statement several times the importance of this statement has not reduced which puts the communicator in a difficult situation because it is an important statement that needs telling but when told falls on deaf…

How do women experience shame?
So why is it even important that we know, How Women Experience Shame? Because of one simple reason, when you know where shame comes from and  there are others like you experiencing the shame, you don’t blame yourself, which is liberating. According to Dr Brene’ Brown, when women were asked to share their definitions or experiences of shame, here’s what they said:…

Perils of Being Grateful
Sydney 2008, whilst having a day on the road, doing sales calls, I get stuck in the traffic with a colleague for over 40 mins. Chatting is the only way to kill time. In this purposeless, purely out of boredom chit chat he shares details of his renumeration package with me.  I am certain he has made a mistake with the numbers…