I advocate using a word of emotion in organisational storytelling.
For example, notice the difference when I say
Statement 1 : ” I ran a project in India and the project failed.”
Statement 2: ” I ran a project in India, the project failed and I am devastated.”
Just because I have added the word devastated, you will now think that I…
Everyday, online and offline, I come across people who position their brands or brands they work for as, Sales Enablers.
They make use of a certain type of a language, often infused with statements like
Want to sell more?
Want to make more profit?
Want to drive leads?
Want to close that dream lead of yours?
Use of such a language signals…
We learn most from failures. So, we must share failure stories. But here is a mistake we make repeatedly whilst sharing failure stories of others, unknowingly, we blame the failure
You did not study, you did not get the results
You did not work hard, you did not get the job
You did not exercise, you…
“Anjali, our incident report is filled with information on small accidents that happen everyday. People only pay attention to big accidents .As a result, small accidents occur in high frequency. It’s this low consequence nature of small accidents that prohibit people from paying attention but these small accidents put together create high consequences.”
This is what a factory safety officer shared.…
I am working with a digital team of a leading MNC on making sure data we present is not dry and wrapped with a compelling story.
The slide or the visual we are working with shows the trend of increase in PC demand over the last 6 months in their organisation.
The presenter comes in front of the room and says, “can…
Everyone wants quick tips and techniques. Subject matter experts are invited to events to teach quick tips and techniques. I am several times introduced as someone who can give quick tips and techniques on Storytelling.
But here is the reality, quick tips and techniques are not the key differentiator between loser and winners. So when someone says to you publish a blog…
Notification, you are added to a WhatsApp Group.
WhatsApp groups have become a common way for teams to communicate. And being added to a WhatsApp group often gives us a sense of belonging. It fulfills one of the strongest human desires, to belong.
However, a group can never be a team because quiet often it overlooks inclusion.And when inclusion is ignored, you…
In Asian culture, a high premium is traditionally put on being right . The best way to avoid being wrong is to not say anything at all.
And anyone who puts a premium on being right will hesitate to subscribe to storytelling.
Because for business professionals it is relatively still a new way of communicating in Asia. And anything new, without…
In a meeting, a leader who is a leading a company that sells baby food says,
“we have a pressing agenda item, we have to educate our distribution on the right use of our products. Hence, we will be rolling out a training programme for our staff on how to do that.”
Now the statement made by the leader aims at immense…
“Anjali, I love the storytelling work we are doing here today. I will definitely use storytelling skills to inspire my team and engage my customers but I will never use it in front of my boss.”
Now, that is a statement I often hear. If you feel this way too, this blog is for you.
What kind of stories do bosses want …