Here is how a story was titled : Announcing the launch of the cloud migration webinar.
This is clearly a tactical title, a title that informs the tactic or put simply, informs what we are doing.
Tactical titles do not address the “why” of the webinar. As a result, they fail to connect with the emotional state of the person we intend to serve by launching the webinar.
How about we change the title to :
You can remove the stress associated with cloud migration. Join us for a webinar and learn how.
By changing the title, I’ve done the following:
1) Empowered the reader by adding “you”. This gives the reader the power to take an action and make a change happen.
2) Stress is the emotion associated with cloud migration. Those we seek to serve feel it. By bringing their emotional state in to the title we create resonance.
Tactical titles don’t connect. Titles that have the power to connect are the ones that address the the emotional state of the readers, creates resonance and empowers them to click the button to take an action.
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