What corporates get and don’t get about storytelling

There is no doubt that the corporate world understands that storytelling is a weapon of mass attraction. One of the storytelling lessons that the corporate world is becoming increasingly good at adopting is making the story relevant to its audience. They know that we can’t just build and amplify a message that promises organisational growth, we have to think hard about what is in it for the employees.

However, there is another aspect of storytelling that is often missed. A story can be defined as a situation where a character faces something, takes an action, and as a result of taking that action faces certain consequences. Now, it is rare to find that aspect of storytelling in corporate communication. Where people use real-life moments to bring the message to life.

Where in we do get relevance from ensuring that the message constitutes what’s in it for the audience, resonance only comes from reminding someone of an experience they have already had. That reminder is in the form a moment that is essential to make a change happen with a story.

Additionally, the relevance of a story is understood at a very cognitive level but resonance is an emotionally appealing factor of storytelling.

It’s time the corporate world starts getting better with not just relevance but also resonance in the story.

Book Update

The book has taken longer than I had anticipated for it to hit the shelves. However, I am expecting the final launch date in a couple of weeks. Thank you for your patience.

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